Kimmy Gerred Insurance Services 

+1 760-250-6222

Welcome to our Health Insurance Benefits Enrollment Platform For Individuals, Medicare & Group Health Insurance Plans & Life Insurance *terms & conditions apply. To see all the plans we offer, hover over or click the 3 lines at the top by the "Home" tab. or the "More" tab.  Thank you!

Your family health coverage 

Now offering new services!

Our Health Insurance Benefits Enrollment Platform allows beneficiaries to enroll directly with the carrier of their choice on the insurance carrier plan's secure enrollment center.  This helps protect your personal identity and your personal health information.  It also puts control back in your hands rather than a licensed agent forcing you into a plan of their choice.  We do not offer all Medicare Health Plans in your area.  To see all the plans in your area please go to  If you need help to make sure all your prescriptions and doctors are in network, call or text 760-250-6222 to speak to a licensed agent.  This website was last updated on 11/27/2022.

392 E. Stevens Rd. G13 Palm Springs, CA. 92262

+1 760-250-6222

Reach Out 

Contact us here on our form if you would like more information or help to get started. Thank you!

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